Monday, August 30, 2021

Day 576: Dear __________ Diary:

I need a Title! 

Dear departed diary: - Wait! Scratch that, it sounds like I am writing a bereavement diary. 
Dear delayed diary: - no that doesn't sound right either, now it sounds like my life is on hold (kinda is, but I don't want to admit it). 
Dear depleted diary: Yep, that'll work! 
Now that I have my cryptic countdown and blogging diary started, what do I even write about? My life feels like an endless empty cycle of: woke up, ate (sometimes didn't eat), cried multiple times in the day, slept and repeat. 
So! Last night I found out some encouraging news about investing through and within a TSFA account. For those who want to judge me, I live on disability in Ontario. NO! IT'S NOT THE SAME AS WELFARE! You actually get much less, and if you try to get a part time job, you end up being penalized as you lose not only your health trying to work (when you have been clearly identified by a DR AND A BOARD of physicians that you shouldn't be working for health reasons), but you also lose a lot of benefits. 
So what is someone supposed to do? I don't want to be on disability the rest of my life. I want a job, an income and to live my life like everyone else. Normally, if you invest in regular accounts, you get taxed BUT also disability holds the rights to penalize or take your investment income. But I found out last night, that if a Canadian does it within their TSFA account, ODSP cannot touch it as long as it stays under $40,000 (LOL that's pretty easy, as I don't have large enough sums right now to have huge investment dividends). 
For those of you that are wondering how I sound this smart - well... I have been studying investing for the last 6 years and real estate for the last 3 years. My hands have been tied this whole time to be able to make any kind of income of investments. But I am hoping this will change! 

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